Final Blog – Day 25
I really shouldn’t be listening to “Home” by Michael Bublé right now, but I am. It’s just going to make me sad because Elise and Sabrina and Evie have all left and I’m not leaving until tomorrow morning. Laura and Hayley and Ashleigh just left, and it’s just me and Sarah and Lea (office ladies) left. Tomorrow morning it’ll be me, two barn staff and maybe a few volunteers if they get out early enough and brave the cold. Anyhow, Today started much like any other, except that we had our first sticky snow of the season. It wasn’t really snow so much as sleet, though. It was really icy and slippery and Hayley and Laura decided to not bring the horses in for morning feed because they’d probably be sliding all over the place and spazzing because they were sliding and then sliding even more and possibly falling on top of volunteers and accidentally kicking interns and it just would (could) have been an awful and painful mess. So instead they caught them in the chutes and stood there while they ate their breakfasts. I felt really bad for Dharma because she came in with icicles in her mane and she was shivering in her blanket. She clearly didn’t want to go back out into the field, but Hayley said they were going to go back out to get the horse warmer blankets and, presumably, clean their manes out. Sabrina left at around 9 to take Elise to the airport. When we left for lunch, I learned by observing Sabrina and Evie that we apparently were only required to work a half day today, because neither was in any hurry to get back out after our hour was up. I packed up a little, checked my e-mail (nothing from Shane or Anthony), washed my sheets, and watched House with Sabrina while she filled out the paperwork she was supposed to have been working on for the entire internship. (Working the Oxford comma into my daily writing has proven to be a bigger challenge than I thought it would be.) Sabrina left, and Evie left shortly after. I was all alone, except for Jennie, who was (is) keeping me company on AIM as I write this blog. Also, I’m now listening to Howie Day instead of Michael Bublé, which is definitely better for me, right? I wanted to take a video of me walking from my room to the barn and giving a little tour, but my camera battery light started flashing at me, so I settled with a tour of the interns’ rooms and then went down to the barn to help with cleanup. We closed the barn a half hour early, apparently, so I just drained the hose in the barn and carried it to the locked meds room so it won’t freeze overnight. I talked to Laura and Ashleigh and Hayley for a few minutes, and they left. When the office ladies left they turned off all the lights, shut my bedroom door and turned the heat way down. So now I’m freezing and wondering if I should get into the shower or hope that the heater (I fiddled with the thermostat) will warm me up soon. I have to wash my clothes too. *sigh*
Things I will miss about DEFHR:
Guaranteed 1-hour lunch break
My roommates (and most of the interns)
That awesome candy store in Baltimore that has the “I ♥ Nerds” hooded t-shirt thing and the massive candy bars
The soft squishiness of my DEFHR-issued comforter
Razberry (Razzle-Daz)
DareDevil (DAHR-Devaaallll)
Zoey (Zoe-zers)
Ozzy (Ozzifer)
Brittney, a manager who’s actually cool
The barn staff
The efficient and individualized feeding system
The laid-back atmosphere, where you don’t have to be afraid to make a mistake
Things I will NOT miss about DEFHR:
The cold weather
Persian watch
Yogi’s crankiness
That pointless gorrham volunteer fire station alarm that goes off in the middle of the bloody night right next door so it’s really loud and wakes the residential interns out of a deep sleep and makes them cranky because they have to be up every four hours anyway to be on Persian watch so when they crawl back into bed again what they WANT is to fall right back asleep until their next shift, but NOOOOOOO the firefighters have to blare out the signal despite the fact that they don’t need to use that alarm because they have another, more efficient one that they use to actually wake up the firefighters but they still let the loud one go off anyway for tradition's sake and the only thing it does is signal a possible emergency to anyone nearby who is trying to sleep but instead must listen to the LOUD, INCESSENT ALARM
Maryland drivers, because THEY ARE SO DUMB
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